Learning Hessian - Part 1
Carpentry and design agency for real and virtual spaces
Dear readers,
What happens to a boy whose father is the president of a carnival club? Correct, a well-trained carpenter!
Jan-Niklas started his apprenticeship as a carpenter at Spacewood three months ago. Before he had started studying social work, but then he realized that he would like to create something himself, something visible, with his own hands. He already knew Spacewood from some student jobs, and he really likes the combination of craftsmanship and trade fair construction with modern technology. Besides the carnival, of course...

We have been offering training for over 20 years. And so we are very happy to present you a first result from the hands of Jan-Niklas, a Schawellsche, which means stool in our local Hessian slang.

… erst einmal jedoch sind Sie gefordert! Auf unserer Homepage haben wir Ostereier versteckt! Finden Sie alle unter www.spacewood.de und senden Sie uns die richtige Anzahl per Email bis zum 06.04.2021 an info@spacewood.de

German Design Award

LED Wave

Streaming Case
As a loyal reader of our newsletter you are surely familiar with our Streaming Suitcases. And if not, you are welcome to read it again in our last newsletter.
Since we always adapt our offer to requirements and develop it further, you will learn more about it here in the next weeks!
But first, a short film that shows how easy it is to use the streaming case.
Home Office Furniture
With more and more people working in home offices, new ways to organize personal and professional space are needed. We accept the challenge and create creative, high-quality solutions. Even without a separate workspace, there are great and practical ways to integrate a workstation with storage in the living area.

I'm happy to give the last word to Jan-Niklas, who, when asked what he would like to tell the world, replied, "Take care of one another." There is nothing to add to that.
Take care of on another and yourself.
Sven Eismann & the Spacewood Team