Was für die Ohren
Weihnachtsgewinnspiel - Webinar verschoben
Dear readers,
Turbulent times! We very much hope that the normality we all long for will return in the course of 2021. We have put together some information about us and our activities in the newsletter and, as you will read, we continue to be diligent in planning and implementing.
In any case, the holidays ahead will be different from previous years. May this year end with a cheerful note and make way for a fresh, bright new year. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. Stay strong and stay healthy!
Warmest regards,
Sven Eismann & the Spacewood Team
News from the Spacelab
As we have been forced by the pandemic to question our everyday business, sustainability became an even more important topic for us than usual. Trade fairs will take place again at some point, but they will certainly be designed differently than before the pandemic, e.g. supplemented by digital presentation options as hybrid events. Digitalisation not only offers the opportunity to present products in a more resource-efficient way, but also to use our personal resources in a more sustainable way - video conferences, streaming and virtual trade fairs may not always replace personal contact, but they make some business trips unnecessary, as relevant contacts can be intercepted and reached out to more quickly.

A homage to the legendary loudspeaker ALTEC 604 Super Duplex
Renowned designer Martin Topel, a passionate music fan, was looking for ideas and a handcrafted solution for his design of a casing for the legendary loudspeaker ALTEC 604 Super Duplex. And anyone who knows Sven Eismann is probably aware of his passion for music too.

Thus came together what was meant to come together and the idea for a contemporary casing was developed, which on the one hand fully exploited the sonic potential and on the other hand formally brings it into the present, thus expressing its timeless and coherent character, and preserving it for the future.

The design, specification of the loudspeaker and the selection of components were undertaken by designer Martin Topel, who has over 35 years of experience in the field of high-end and vintage audio.

He has also received several awards for his work, including several iF Design Awards and the red dot design award. The design of the casing was based on the Altec Stonehenge III. Production takes place on CNC machines and with maximum craftsmanship expertise at Spacewood in Frankfurt am Main.

We harvested our companies own grapes in order to distill the Spacewood-Spirit.

Jetzt läuft Ihnen das Wasser im Mund zusammen? Den streng limitierten, exklusiven Spacewood-Trester aus dem Osthafen gibt es zu gewinnen!
Einfach das Kreuzworträtsel ausfüllen und das Lösungswort bis zum 18.12.2020 per Email senden an: office@spacewood.de
Das Los entscheidet am 10.01.2021 unter allen richtigen Einsendungen.

On the International Day to End Violence Against Women, many public and private supporters have allowed their buildings to radiate in orange. The worldwide action under the auspices of UN Women is now in its third year in Frankfurt. The Helaba – the Landesbank Hessen-Thüringen – also supported this campaign and, on the first day of the campaign, illuminated the platform of the MAIN TOWER in orange. Likewise, the platform will glow in orange on the last day of the campaign period. The various initiatives are aimed at ending violence against girls and women worldwide.
Spacewood had enabled the installation here at short notice together with Art World Media.

Our colleague Alex Stammer and his family going through a hard time at the moment: his wife Anja has pancreatic cancer. In order to at least alleviate the Stammer family’s financial worries, we have launched a fundraiser.
We hope to experience better times together soon.
Many thanks in advance to all donors!