A glimpse of hope
News from Spacewood
Dear readers,
We hope you have started well into the New Year - despite all the adversity.
Wir sehen zaghaft optimistisch in die Zukunft und wollen Sie mit unserem Optimismus gerne anstecken. Gleichzeitig sind wir uns bewusst, dass uns die Pandemie auch im Jahr 2021 begleiten wird.
Wir sind zuversichtlich, weil wir in letzter Zeit Aufträge umsetzen konnten, die uns ein gutes Gefühl vermitteln. Bis zum 14.02.2021 strahlt Ihnen jeden Abend vom Maintower eine mutmachende Botschaft entgegen. Wir durften diese Projektion verwirklichen und freuen uns über das Feedback. Außerdem ist unser mobiles Streaming-Studio in zwei Koffer gepackt und bereit auf Reisen zu gehen. Und wir konnten das 270Grad-Kino im Dekarium der Deka Bank in Betrieb nehmen.
Gerade die Projektionen auf dem Maintower haben bei uns für gehobene Stimmung gesorgt und das liegt nicht allein an den Botschaften. Wir sind froh und dankbar für ein Zeichen der Hoffnung für die Veranstaltungsbranche. Wir haben vor der Pandemie Plattformen der Begegnungen in Form von Messen und Events für Sie geschaffen, lassen Sie uns unser Können und unsere Kreativität auch unter Pandemiebedingungen unter Beweis stellen!
Dafür brauchen wir Kunden, die den Mut haben mit uns neue Wege zu gehen. Die Ihre Fassaden bespielen, wie die Helaba. Die sich trauen Ihre Botschaften zu streamen, um Mitarbeiter und Kunden zu erreichen.
Deshalb ein Appell: Nutzen Sie die Streaming-Technologie und laden Sie Künstler in Ihre Werkshallen, streamen Sie Yogaübungen aus den Konferenzräumen, schicken Sie Ihren Mitarbeitern im Homeoffice und Ihren Kunden ein bisschen Zuversicht und trotzen Sie damit der Corona-Müdigkeit und dem Lockdown-Frust.
Bleiben Sie gesund bis zum Wiedersehen!
Warmest regards,
Sven Eismann & the Spacewood Team
Travelling in Space
I pack my suitcase and take with me.... nothing to pack for you! You will receive a packed suitcase from us, containing the complete equipment for a small mobile TV studio. Well, two suitcases actually, seems like even modern technology is not so minimalistic after all.

The two cases feature high-quality, state of the art devices functioning as a small TV studio for video conferencing and video streaming. Easily operated by one person and self-explanatory. It can be built up in just 15 minutes in the simplest version and used without a PC or laptop, but with teleprompter for professional communication with the camera.
Setup of the simplest version takes only 15 minutes, there is no need for a PC or laptop, a teleprompter for professional communication is included.
The suitcases are for sale or can be rented. Please send a message to info@spacewood.de info@spacewood.de

A glimpse of hope
Spacewood implements light projections for the Helaba on the Maintower.
From 4 February to Valentine's Day on 14 February 2021, changing, luminous messages will be projected onto the main building of Helaba.

A big thank to Helaba - for the great idea, but above all for the trust in Spacewood. We are affected by the pandemic and it gives us strength and confidence when our customers approach projects beyond traditional trade fair construction with us.

Even before Corona, we always dared to look outside the box. Hybrid events, virtual worlds and digital presentation possibilities have not only expanded our portfolio since the beginning of the pandemic. So far, we have mostly demonstrated our skills at trade fairs, this possibility has suddenly disappeared. With this initiative, Helaba sets a sign of confidence and wants to give people hope, adressing not only people passing by or in home office, yet also the event industry.

The extraordinary (light) projection is installed on the facade of the corner tower of the MAIN TOWER directed to Zeil. On 500 square meters of projection space between the 38th and 47th floors, the messages appear on the office tower. Three high-performance UHD projectors, each with 40,000 ANSI lumens, project the luminous signals onto the MAIN TOWER from a distance of 150 meters.
Dekarium - A 270-degree cinema conveys history
DeKa Bank had expressed to Spacewood the desire to simplify the Dekarium, the in-house museum of DeKa Bank on its 100-year history, in terms of usability and to make it less complex and thus more reliable overall.

The dekarium is housed in the former customer locker facility of the Frankfurt-based company headquarters, the so-called Trianon. A triangular, double-storey room with a 270-degree cinema on the upper floor, in which an information film is shown, as well as interviews with the founders on the lower floor.

Spacewood had collected, processed and identified vulnerabilities by documenting the actual status of Dekarium’s setup and following a reverse engineering process. Fixes were made by targeted use of custom-made technologies.
Thus, the entire Dekarium can now be switched on and off by pressing a single switch. A show controller navigates through all devices and synchronizes them.

The media installation with eight beamers ensures an undistorted representation of the film: across the three sides of the room, the visitor experiences a uniform image in the highest resolution. Films and interviews are complemented by an interactive table as well as images and documents from the historical archive.
It has been a wonderful challenge for us to demonstrate our analytical skills and to select and use the right technology based on these results.